Before I knew the realities of love and sex, all I had to go on was porn. I was never a porn addict, and I never watched much of it, but hey, we have all had a look at some stage or another. This formed an idea in my head of what gay sex is about. We discover the following myths about gay sex:
1. We don’t last that long
Guys cannot last for a full 30 minutes like they do in porn. These scenes were shot over a number of attempts to make it look like they last forever. They also take breaks in between. I’m not saying sex will only last 5 minutes — with foreplay, sex can last hours. However, the hardcore action part won’t last that long without taking a break in between.
2. It is not always that clean
It is not that clean every time. Sometimes things get slightly dirty (not always, but sometimes!). Learn to deal with it. As long as you eat healthily, things should not be too bad.
3. It doesn’t slide in that easily
It doesn’t just slide in so easily first time. The porn actors have a lot of experience, and have warmed up and loosened up before the scene was shot. To help things slide in easier, make sure you are relaxed beforehand. Take a bath, and use plenty of good quality lube.
4. You look great just the way you are
We don’t have to wear make-up during sex. Don’t feel like you are unsexy or inadequate. Porn actors use make-up to look like they do. You should just be yourself — that is much sexier in the real life. Sure, you can trim a bit, but we are never going to have such beautiful skin as they do in porn.
5. Sex is not only for young guys
Much of the porn industry focusses on young guys between 18 and 22 years old. But if you are past that age, don’t worry — you will still get to have hot sex with people who find you attractive. We need to get our mindset away from this assumption that after age 22, we are no longer beautiful.
6. It doesn’t shoot that much
We don’t always shoot so far and so much. If only a little comes out, there is nothing wrong. Sometimes the porn scene combines multiple ejaculations in one, and sometimes they even use fake semen. When we are very excited, things may shot far, but don’t expect that every time.
7. You should wear a condom
Wear a condom. I don’t care how sexy bareback looks in the porn video; it is unsafe and unclean to go bareback. Even with your regular partner. A condom not only protects you from STD’s, but it also keeps your member a bit cleaner.