
Heart with hole in 9
My world got completely turned upside-down recently when I found myself no longer in a 6-year relationship, but instead alone and single. My boyfriend and I broke up. It is not my intention to write up nasty stuff about my ex-boyfriend, or to air my dirty laundry here. I just thought I’d […]

So now I am single

Gay Bible 8
They say that nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. However, I think that another certainty seems to be the unnecessary conflict between homosexuality and religion. Most major religions reject homosexuality, claiming it is a sin. If there is a higher power – a God – out there, he actually will accept and love gay people.

Religion and homosexuality

Gay blood ban 3
In many countries, there is either an outright ban on gay men donating blood, or there is a deferral period, where a man cannot donate blood if he has had sex with another male in the preceding 6 or 12 months. The reason for the ban, is that many studies have shown that gay men have a much higher prevalence of HIV and hepatitis than straight men. I was wondering if this policy is fair.

Blood Donation: Donating “Gay Blood”