This is from one of my readers:
I came out to my close friends not so long ago, and although they did not understand it at first, they have been supportive and even set me up on dates.
One of my readers emailed me the below short story, and he has allowed me to post it here. I think it is really beautiful. Thanks Neil! “Don’t feel bad about my death, my love, it was God’s plan. He took me away from you and I know the pain […]
Don’t feel bad about my death, my love

Dear Mom Thanks for being the best mother that any gay boy could hope for. Sure, it was a long road from when I came out to you until you accepted me fully. But we travelled that road together, and we have come out stronger together. Thanks for accepting and […]
Dear mom (on Mother’s Day)

Christmas is a happy time, but it is also one of the saddest times. Some gay people will be alone because their family have rejected them for being gay. It saddens and sickens me, and I cannot even begin to imagine what that must feel like. How can a family do this to one of their own?
Being rejected by your family for being gay

People will reject you for being gay. They will also reject you for being short, fat, skinny etc. That doesn't mean that you need to hide it from people.
Lessons that relate to being gay

It is always such a warming feeling to belong to a ‘community’. I see communities in many places such as churches and religious groups, schools, and residential areas. To me, a community is a group of people who are naturally brought together for various reasons and end up having a […]
How awesome is the gay community

My world got completely turned upside-down recently when I found myself no longer in a 6-year relationship, but instead alone and single. My boyfriend and I broke up. It is not my intention to write up nasty stuff about my ex-boyfriend, or to air my dirty laundry here. I just thought I’d […]
So now I am single

They say that nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. However, I think that another certainty seems to be the unnecessary conflict between homosexuality and religion. Most major religions reject homosexuality, claiming it is a sin. If there is a higher power – a God – out there, he actually will accept and love gay people.
Religion and homosexuality

In many countries, there is either an outright ban on gay men donating blood, or there is a deferral period, where a man cannot donate blood if he has had sex with another male in the preceding 6 or 12 months. The reason for the ban, is that many studies have shown that gay men have a much higher prevalence of HIV and hepatitis than straight men. I was wondering if this policy is fair.
Blood Donation: Donating “Gay Blood”

The first stage is one where you profess the joys of being single. Being single is the best thing in the world. You wonder why anyone would be stupid enough to be in a relationship. You really relish the freedom and lack of responsibility that comes with being single.
4 stages of finding a relationship

Did you know that a homosexual relationship can actually set the example to society of how a good relationship works? Heterosexuals can learn things from gay relationships such as our partner being our equal, knowing how to make our partner happy, and being innovative.
Heterosexuals can learn a lot from gay relationships

We usually fear becoming the more submissive partner, and the submissive role often has a bad connotation. It is sometimes referred to as being the 'wife' in the relationship.
Are you afraid of being ‘the wife’?

Coming out as an openly gay athlete just gives the world another reminder that being gay is normal. It shows the world that there are gay athletes. Athletes that succeed. Athletes that compete in the official Summer Olympics, not only in the Gay Olympics. Athletes that the world respects.
Openly gay athletes – why I care

We are all likely to face homophobia in some form during our lives, and we need to be able to deal with it. There a number of types of homophobia from various sources. Religious, ignorance, internal and family homophobia are some examples discussed.
The thing that hurts me the most is that they truly believe that who I am is wrong.
Homophobia: how to deal with homophobia

The public sees a certain version of the gay community, but there is also a private community of gay people who may act in a completely different way.